Into The Mystic

godafoss iceland waterfall at sunset

Godafoss, Iceland

Got blessed with some great light here at Goðafoss in Northern Iceland. Before heading down to shoot below along the cliffs I wanted to get some shots from above. I hiked around the falls and liked this point of view, however, the wind was blowing the mist from the falls directly onto this location—I mean like white out, cold, drenching mist clouds. For some reason, I still thought this was a reasonable idea and got my trusty full-size microfiber towel draped it over my head and the camera and ran out to this point. Took a minute to get the tripod, settings and focus set, and right before I was ready to fire I would wipe my lens off with a Kimtech Science wipe (awesome for cleaning lenses btw) then wait for an opportunity to lift the front of the towel and shoot—sure we’ve all been there. I only got 2 useable shots out of about 30. The slightly long 1/3 of a second exposure either got misted or hit by my hand trying to pull up the towel. Slightly frustrating.

But I am relatively happy with this image and the more unique angle it has. I like the curve of the waterfall edge, the sun flare and the light on top of the foreground water and although the mist did make it hard to process some of the areas, at the same time it created a very nice soft sunlit glow across the image.

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