Dawn's Dream


Gates Of Fall

Battle Born
Logan Pass has always been a battleground. Over thousands of years, glaciers have carved out some of the most magnificent mountain peaks in North America. With relentless winters that allow for only a small window for life, survival here is tough. And this year even more so—drought conditions, forest fires, a nearly non-existent water flow, even the flowers were, for the most part, long gone all due to the lack of snowfall this past winter. Even in such harsh conditions, life still perseveres. This evening, on our second trip up to Logan Pass, we were rewarded with interesting cloud cover mixed with a smokey haze from the fires—resulting in some interesting light. I’ve always wanted to capture Clements Mountain with it’s unique, castle-like appearance and this was my chance! My daunting search to find a foreground began… I finally came across this lonely patch of flowers that was somehow still in full bloom. My goal was to create depth in the scene by getting extremely close to the flowers, making them appear as large as possible. I positioned the angle of the camera to where the flowers would lead the eye up through the mid-ground to the mountain. So, with a few passers-by wondering what the hell I was doing with my face and camera buried in this cluster, I took a few series of shots of the foreground at 7 different focal points which I was able to blend in photoshop for sharpness throughout. The light was more intense at this point, allowing me to keep the shutter fast enough to freeze any flower movement. Then I waited a little longer for the right sky light to set in. The clouds made for some great patterns coming out from behind the mountain as the hazy glow intensified. The lens distortion at the top of the frame helped lengthen the mountain and cloud lines.

Bows and Arrows
Morning light falls on the rock patterns of a unique Utah landscape. The colors and striations here are other worldly. This arrowhead pattern caught my eye, leading to the first light on the triangles of the range. A bow of clouds hangs above while minutes later rainbows faintly formed on the horizon. An incredible morning at an incredible place.

The incredible Sunwapta Falls in Jasper National Park right after sunset with moonrise.

Beautiful light at Lake O'Hara in Canada.

Misty Morning
Our first morning out at Peyto Lake we were greeted with fresh snow and some nice atmosphere. I could stare at this lake forever with that unreal glacial blue water!

The sunlight cuts through the clouds for just a moment at Athabasca falls in Banff, Canada at sunset.



Drawn Together
In my attempt to try and find something unique at this popular location, I decided to go with a twilight shot. I was crouching down and crawling all over this place until I came across this spot, and from about 2 feet off the ground was just able to sneak in that top branch above Hood and with the branches almost reaching for each other, it framed the barn and mountain just right.

Fire Watch
Walking back from Hidden Lake in the dark, we were greeted with a huge full moon rising from behind the mountains. To the naked eye, you could see the faint smoke plume over St. Mary’s from the forest fires we had been dealing with all week. After setting up a couple quick test shots, I realized that a full 30-second exposure revealed this incredible red glow from fires illuminating the smoke. I set up to where I could use the nice moonlight reflections that accentuated the flowing stream as my foreground. The smokey haze created a warmer moonlight than usual. This is one, 30-second exposure that I was able to pull a ton of detail out of the darkness and another exposure for the moon detail and another star shot.

Hidden Lake
It was a long week out in Glacier National Park, dodging fires, escaping the smoke and hunting for clouds—tough even finding flowing water and flowers. With apparently just 15% of snowfall this past winter, drought conditions were in full effect—flowers were long gone for the most part and creek beds were nearly dry. This evening though, we were able to get out from most of the smokey haze and catch some nice, interesting light up at Logan Pass. This is Hidden Lake at the foot of Bearhat Mountain. The search for foreground life led me to this spot where I was able to get a slight sideview angle on the mountain and some greater depth out to the horizon. Blended around 6 shots to get sharpness throughout. With Going to the Sun road closed I was worried we weren’t going to be able to make it up here. Was incredible to finally see it—a photographer’s dream.
Winner: World Expeditions Photo Contest “I chose this as the overall winner because in my honest opinion it has all the visual impact a winning shot should possess. The composition is spot on with great fore- ground elements leading the viewers eyes into the scene. The low placement of the camera helps the viewers feel like he/she is on location. Both light and location are absolutely magical and shot at the perfect time of the day. Processing is also very well done. Bravo..well deserved First place.” – Patrick Di Fruscia
“This image just jumped off the screen and made me want to be standing in that very spot at the moment the photo was taken. There is a magic to this shot that inspires me to dream of places too beautiful for words. The editing is beautifully done and there was obvious thought put into the framing and camera placement. This photograph fit in perfectly with the title of the contest. I can’t think of any photographer that wouldn’t want to go on a world expedition to this stunning location. Congrats Ryan, I look forward to seeing what you can do with your new Fujifilm lens!” – Ken Kaminesky
Won Runner Up in Alluring Landscapes Photo Contest
Won Contest Finalist in Image of the Year Photo Contest by Snapfish
Ice Heart
The most beautiful, short-lived, natural ice sculptures found in the southern tip of South America.

Vestrahorn mountain in Southeastern Iceland is an incredible place. I was lucky enough to experience it at around 11:00pm on this perfectly calm night—no wind, nice temperature and not a soul around. The cloud cover was somewhat misty which made for nice, unique lighting conditions. I got one good reflection shot (also on my page) and then booked it farther back just before the sun disappeared behind the range. Thought this compo was a little different using these mounds of grass with the last touches of sunlight to lead the eye into the scene. Contact me for purchase information.

Reflections of Vestrahorn
The peaceful and majestic mountain of Vestrahorn in southeast Iceland—an incredible location. This composition creates a nice balance between the warm and cool light tones on both sides with the cloud's spectrum of color connecting the two. more info

Edge Of The World
The one and only Perito Moreno Glacier in Patagonia, Argentina outside of El Calafate at the southern tip of South America. One of the world's only remaining progressing glaciers moving around 3 feet per day. The massive ice sheet is over 6km wide creating its own weather system with some serious weather fluctuations. The ice is constantly cracking, sounding like rifle shots, as huge pieces break off into a lake that is a color like I’ve never seen before. more info

Moon Over Mary
Early morning overlooking St. Mary Lake and Goose Island in Glacier National Park, Montana. more info

The last light hits Lake Tenaya along the Toiga Pass just before this area closes down for the winter. A long exposure allowed for movement in the low, fast-flying clouds and helped calm the lake. more info

Field Of Dreams
During peak flower bloom in early August on the Paradise side of Mount Rainier there are endless fields of color. And when the light was just right, I captured this sunset and was lucky enough to have some great clouds as well. more info

Violet Crown
Peak flower bloom on the Sunrise side of Mount Rainier—and a rare calm sunset created a nice colored glow. more info

Just after sunrise on Mount Rainier more info

The Hiker




Last Bow

Sunset Point


Into the Valley


Morning Glow

Broken Mirror



Buffalo Range

Glacier Lakes
hi i need a large print of into the valley